The Best Way To Start Working Hard

Bhuwan Dahal
3 min readNov 19, 2020

Fail. And try again till you succeed and accomplish your goal. This can be hard work. Hard work is not a one-time thing. It is a run of constant efforts in a specific time interval, with pure devotion and a very clear vision of the goal you wish to attain.

For the great majority of us, nothing in life comes easy. Business is no exception — sadly, there isn’t any secret to success beyond inspiration and Hard Work. These weren’t just words: Edison, one of the most successful inventors and businessmen of all time, famously worked 20 hours per day.

1. Find the passion.

Embark on this project only if you are passionate about it, because it’s passion that energizes you for the long-haul. If not, you will inevitably tire of it and probably will not stay with it.

2. Know your “why.”

Why are you doing this? For me, writing in my journal helps clarify why it is important to me. Ask yourself, how will your idea impact your life? Your career? How will it help others? Your family?

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3. Write out a plan.

The best intentions can get lost if we don’t have a roadmap to follow. Write out a business plan for your idea that includes tangible action steps. Make them specific. Give them a timeframe.

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4. Make it a daily habit.

Sometimes to make our big plans and dreams come true, we have to fit them into whatever else we have going on in our lives. You have to find a way to incorporate this plan into your daily life so that it becomes as routine as brushing your teeth.

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5. Stick with it.

Have the big picture in mind. What are you aspiring to do? Don’t let anything or anybody discourage you. Just do it. Eventually, if you keep the end goal in mind, you will get there. You really will! And when you do, it will be so worth it.

6. Learn from others

There are great resources, smart people, direct opportunities, and top books around you all the time. Learn to make use of them.

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When I started out in my personal development industry and with my blog, I read materials from the experts and consulted the top bloggers. Doing that helped me gain important insights immediately.

Even today, I continue to do so as I expand my work. There is never a stop to how much you can learn from others.

7. Review regularly

Do a regular review of what you have done in the past week and the corresponding results. Then, analyze the things that are working and the things that aren’t working. With the former, keep them. With the latter, remove them.

8. Use following productivity tools:

1- timeTracko — for time tracking and productivity measurement.
2 — Cold Turkey Blocker — For blocking unwanted website and apps.
3 — Todoist — For making plan and prioritizing task.

Pomodoro Technique

