11+ Ways To Work Harder To Make Dream Come True

Bhuwan Dahal
8 min readOct 29, 2020

Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.” ~ Tim Notke

Staying excited and focused when you are working could have a major effect on productivity and overall success. But regardless of how far you love your job, all of us have days once we need additional motivation. Some simple inspirational approaches will assist you to do your absolute best and give your work a 100 percent effort.

Being a hard worker doesn’t come naturally. The qualities and characteristics that are associated with good workers are those of consistency and perseverance. Though some might have a predisposition to these traits, it is only through effort and dedication that you can fully mature into a hard worker making full use of your potential.

Don’t Consider it as hard Job:

If you try and lose then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and we lose, then it’s all your fault.” — Orson Scott Card

One of the best ways to motivate yourself is to not think of what you are doing as”hard work” . Enable the job to help you become that which you wish to be and a step ahead to success. When you have decided to do something, do not think about how difficult, frustrating, or not possible it may be; rather, consider how good or joyful you’d feel after you have accomplished it. Imagine the project given to you not as a burden but as an exciting mystery which can allow you to proceed in your field of work. This way, motivation will come by simpler means.

Take care of yourself physically

Self-care is how you take your power back.” — Lalah Delia

Sometimes the issue isn’t psychological, it is physical. Your willpower could be at an all-time high, but if you do not have the physical energy to finish your job, keeping up your motivation is going to be hard.

“Have you been tired a lot? Can you encounter some continuous unpleasantness, like bad sinuses or a continuous pain? Are you unhappy or angry or only lethargic constantly for no reason you can pinpoint? . Do your very best to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Listen to your own body when it is telling you things, search the causes of your distress, and treat them as best possible.

It’s really hard to get and stay motivated to work hard if you’re not feeling your best

Think habits, not motivation

I have learned that champions aren’t just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits.” ―Lewis Howes

Obtaining yourself to do something over and over by sheer power of will is quite hard. “Since motivation/willpower is a restricted resource, it’s helped you to rather construct habits that, once instilled, do not use willpower. Begin with little habits that allow you to be more effective and make you feel great. By way of instance, you may aim to walk 15 minutes every day or employment in short bursts of extreme attention.

Stop Caring About the Things That Don’t Matter

Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” — Unknown

Doing things that don’t mean anything costs [us] a ton of mental energy. Look at your aggregated to-do list, find things you know that you don’t care about, and get rid of as many of these activities as possible. You will stay more consistently motivated if you’re working on activities that are inherently meaningful or are part of a larger mission.

Find work that interests you

Interest is the most important thing in life; happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous.” — Georgia O’Keeffe

It is always hard to start a huge project, is not it? Oftentimes, large jobs and adventuresome goals dampen our souls and there is never really a fantastic time to get started. As a result, we shed our excitement about that new project. On the contrary, if you break a large scary goal into a number of smaller ones, it would be less overwhelming and more achievable. As you would earn progress and tick those goals off your list, you would find a feeling of achievement. And, when progress meets achievement, it is almost always a gorgeous combination and a sense.

Learn a new skill

Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.— Alan Moore

It is such a fantastic feeling to wake up and understand that you’d have something fresh and exciting to anticipate in the office. Many workers regularly complain not needing much to do on the job that results in boredom and leaves the whole workplace uninspired. To infuse new inspiration, you are able to determine an ability that interests you and can be pertinent to your existing occupation profile, then place this forward to a supervisor. If it may boost your worth as an advantage, they may allow you to proceed and even finance your training. Isn’t it a wonderful way to bring a new skill to a resume and develop a learning atmosphere? In any event, it is a win-win scenario for you as well as the company.

Break up your tasks into smaller tasks/goals

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” ― Albert Einstein

It’s necessary to get a really large, ambitious target which you’d love to attain. However, to get there, be sure to break that aim to bite-sized pieces that are consumable. This can allow you to spot barriers on the way, also you’ll be able to prepare yourself to conquer them. Little achievements might appear quite menial, but that may boost your internal work expectancy tremendously. It is going to also supply you with an idea of achievement when you finish smaller targets. The sensation of earning progress and achieving a thing is a gorgeous combination.

Just Do It

Do it no matter what. If you believe in it, it is something very honorable. If somebody around you or your family does not understand it, then that’s their problem. But if you do have a passion, an honest passion, just do it.” — Mario Andretti

To get motivated to start doing something, from my own experience, the most effective trick for me is to just do it (sounds trite, but it works). As soon as you think something needs to be done, jump into it, doing it immediately (of course, provided the conditions are feasible). You must not think about anything else, suppressing all other thoughts, keeping your mind blank, acting like a robot. Yes, it sounds weird, but it does work! Otherwise, you will debate whether you should do it now or there were too many issues with doing it, or there are other more pleasurable and exciting things to do over this boring task.

Celebrate your wins, however small

Follow your own star!” — Dante Alighieri

Nothing can motivate you more than constantly reminding yourself of your “why.” Whether you are writing an article, designing a plan, or building a product you love, it is crucial to remain in touch with what inspires you. Everyone has a vision and whenever you feel uninspired, take a step back and think about why working hard will make all the difference in achieving that goal.

Request feedback from your boss

Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” — Ken Blanchard

Various men and women become inspired by different entities. When there are a few that are inherently moved and motivated whereas some want outside aid. Constructive feedback might be a powerful incentive, given it’s taken in the ideal spirit. Knowing if everything you are doing is really adding value to business’s vision is very inspiring in itself. Have a little time to seek advice from your crew leader or manager. Ask if you are lacking in any division or is there some particular ability you ought to develop to become a more precious working practitioner.

Stay focused

When your drive is moving your purpose, focus must hold the wheels else your might miss the way. And do you know what that means? Avoid Crash!!!. Stay focused!” ― Israelmore Ayivor

Studies have demonstrated that consequences have a powerful impact on productivity, partly because it takes time to refocus your attention on the job at hand and partly because interruptions impact our working memory processes. During your 45–50 minutes of focused time, shut your email and turn off your mobile phone. Let people know in advance that you won’t constantly be available to respond to email, text and instant messages.


Try again when you fail.
Make time for meditation.
Imagine your process.
Practice positive self-talk.
Maximize potential and improve weaknesses.
Culture accountability.
Raise your social awareness.
Try not to complain.
Don’t multitask.

Work Harder

Why It’s Important To Work Hard?

There are, actually, countless reasons.

i- Work forces personal development.
ii- Our work brings benefits to society.
iii- Hard work is an example to our kids.
iv- Work hard at work to work hard at life.
v- Work hard to make the most of your hours. They will pass anyway.
vi- Work is fulfilling, in and of itself.
viii- Working hard keeps our lives occupied with important matters.

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work.”~ Stephen King

