This Tricks Are Only For Lazy People

Bhuwan Dahal
5 min readNov 18, 2020


Laziness is a state of passivity and of letting things stay as they are.

Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed.”- From Bible

Sometimes, we love being just a bit idle, like after working hard for several hours, or when we stay in bed on a really cold moment. However, when accomplishing nothing occurs too usually, something must be done .

In order to carry out our tasks, work efficiently, live to the fullest, and achieve success, we must learn how to overcome laziness. We need to be able to resist it, combat it, and get over it.

Simple Practical Tips for Overcoming Your Laziness:

1 . Find out Your Source of Laziness or Lack of Motivation

Have a minute to know the origins of laziness or absence of determination. This really is among the absolute most challenging things to do to choose but additionally among the absolute most essential.

If your main cause is mobile or PC or any social media site then it’s time to take it seriously.

Throw your mobile. Block PC access using Cold Turkey Blocker. Set a timer or track your time and productivity using timeTracko software.

Do whatever to remove these distractions. If you don’t, they will destroy your career(mark my word).

Also Read:

Push Yourself To Do Things You Dream About

2. Focus on just a few things at a time

If there are nine rabbits on the ground, if you want to catch one, just focus on one.” — Jack Ma
We often create a big list of things that we want to do and achieve. Focusing on two or three things at a time will allow you to feel less overwhelmed. Instead, you will feel motivated, as your goals will now seem so much more achievable.

3. Think about benefits

Think about the benefits you will gain if you overcome your laziness and take action, instead of thinking about the difficulties or obstacles. Focusing on the difficulties of carrying out a task, leads to discouragement, avoidance of taking action and to laziness. It is important that you focus your mind and attention on the benefits, not on the difficulties.

4. Start from a tough task and finish it no matter what happens to you.

Ever procrastinated on a challenging task you want to do? Yes, I wager. There’s not any greater time than today. There’s absolutely no demand at a better time. Just begin even if it is a little step. That little step will get traction if you maintain it. If you continue postponing that job, before you know it you’ll be supporting time.

No excuse whatsoever. Sit down type away. Do not re-read it. You do that tomorrow. The reason for this is so you leave the office with one good task done no matter how simple. You would have ‘forced’ yourself to sit and focus for today, at this hour. That’s one good way that works for me when I want to avoid laziness.

5. Repeat affirmations( stick on it)

Put these quotes on your mobile, PC or even Room wallpaper.

Either I run the day or the day runs Me.

I have got to get up every morning with determination if I’m going to go to bed with satisfaction.

My future depends on what I did/do today.

I can accomplish my goal.

I have the energy and motivation to act and do whatever I want or have to do.

Doing things makes me stronger.

I have the inner strength to do anything I want to do.

I can easily awaken motivation in me.”

I do everything now, not later.

Doing things makes things happen.

You can also start #Get_Things_Done Challenge(private). Believe me it worked for me.
You can also checkout Pomodoro Technique while working

6. Make a good working partner.

Try to find the right people, not the best people.” — Jack Ma

It is far easier to be motivated when you have somebody from the side. Not only will they help you handle the job right, but they will also be a source of positive energy — and possibly, a few inspirational words.

Depending on what you’re trying to do, finding a partner may be difficult. If you can’t find someone to help you do the work directly, consider calling a friend or family member to talk through your issue and provide support.

Sometimes, the kind words of someone you care about are enough to motivate you to take action.

7. Procrastination

If you don’t do it, nothing’s possible.” — Jack Ma

Procrastination kills our time. So, avoid procrastination, which is a form of laziness.

Think as this: If there is something I have to do, why not do it right now and get through with it? Why let it stay nagging at the back of my head?

8. Learn from successful people

Watch successful people(my favorite Jack Ma) and how they do not let laziness win. Learn from them, talk with them and associate with them.

Overcoming the habit of laziness is achieved through a series of daily actions and activities. You need to choose to act, instead of staying passive.

Do not be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Your comfort zone might be comfortable and cozy, but it can keep you in one place, preventing you from making progress.

Every time you overcome your laziness you get stronger. Every time you choose to act, you increase your ability to win, achieve goals and improve your life.

