How Effective Is The Pomodoro Technique?

Bhuwan Dahal
4 min readSep 30, 2020
Pomodoro Image

Yes, it always helps me to complete my 8 hours task in just 7 hours. So I can save 1 hour each day.

The Pomodoro Technique. This hot time-management procedure can allow you to power through distractions, hyper-focus and get things done in brief bursts, even while taking regular breaks to develop air and unwind. On top of that, it is simple.

Let us break it down and determine how you may apply it to your job.

Even the Pomodoro Technique is most likely among the easiest productivity approaches to execute. All you will need will be a timer. For me, timeTracko is the best option to implement the Pomodoro technique. Oh, and it’s a free tool.

Here is the way to get started using Pomodoro, in different measures:

Pomodoro Technique
  1. Choose a task to be accomplished.
  2. Set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (the Pomodoro is the timer)
  3. Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings, then put a check on your sheet of paper
  4. Take a short break (5 minutes is OK)
  5. Every 4 Pomodoros take a longer break

After task completion in a Pomodoro, any time remaining could be devoted to activities such as:

  1. Review and edit the work just completed.
  2. Review the activities from a learning point of view: What did I learn? What could I do better or differently?
  3. Review the list of upcoming tasks for the next planned Pomodoro time blocks, and start reflecting on or updating those tasks.

Effective Way and Tools to Implement Pomodoro Technique(Infographic):

Pomodoro technique and tools

It’s important to note that a Pomodoro is an indivisible unit of work that means if you are distracted from social media site or any website or a coworker, meeting, or emergency, you have to end the Pomodoro there (rescue your job and starting a new one after ), or you have to postpone the distraction before the Pomodoro is complete.

However, I use a distraction blocker tool called Cold Turkey blockers. It blocks each unwanted website like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram. So, I can focus on my Pomodoro task.

With this tool’s help, I manage to complete my 8-hour task just in 7 hours.

Who can get benefits from the Pomodoro Technique?

Every working person.

The Pomodoro Technique is often championed by developers, designers, and other people who have to turn out regular creative work packages. Essentially, people who have to produce something to be reviewed by others.

However, it’s also useful for people who don’t have such rigid goals or work packages.

What makes Pomodoro so effective?

It forces you to get started on your task.

Studies have proven that procrastination has little to do with laziness or absence of self-control. Instead, we put things off to avoid negative feelings. It is uncomfortable to stare down a major task or project — one you may not be certain how to even perform or one involves a whole lot of uncertainty.

If you set 25 minutes to work at timeTracko, your mind suggests you “Oh I have to work 25 minutes on this task, or I have only 25 minutes to complete this task”. For this reason, the Pomodoro technique is so popular and effective for any person.

It blocks your distraction

Again you can use distraction blocker tools like cold-turkey or any other tool.

And also, never use social media or any unwanted website in Pomodoro break time. In my experience, I took 5 minutes break and used unwanted websites like youtube and Facebook, but after 5 minutes, i am not focusing on my task.

So, in those 5 minutes, focus on other things like collaborating with seniors, asking some questions, making friends, reading news newspapers, going outside and more.


Becoming more aware of where your time goes

It increases your productivity skill.

It saves your time so you can focus more on the next task.

It gives you a more accurate result.


This technique aims to decrease the effect of external and internal interruptions on flow and focus. Even a Pomodoro is indivisible; once disrupted during a Pomodoro, the other action has to be listed and postponed (utilizing the notify — negotiate — program — call again plan or the Pomodoro has to be left.

It is an effective way to balance quantity and quality, and all you have to do is focus for 25 minutes at a time.

