I feel unproductive most days. What are some things I can do to fix that?

Bhuwan Dahal
2 min readAug 30, 2020


This is called Productivity shame.
First,Productivity shame is feeling that you are not allowed to do things that are”unproductive”. You feel a sense of remorse once you may spend some time on hobbies, see a movie, or just sit back and relax.

Second, productivity shame is your impression that you’ve never done . No matter how much time you work or the number of tasks you cross off your to-do list, you always feel a sense of pity around your work. And even once you do make some progress on your own objectives, it never feels like it’s enough or productive.

Figure out what’s your condition among the above.

If your situation is the first one then I suggest you follow these points.
Note: No matter what follows again & again.

  1. Plan your Each task. Use Trello
  2. Block every website that disturbs you. I suggest you to use Cold Turkey Blocker or LeechBlock
  3. Track activity on each task and measure productivity. Use Timetracko
  4. Always review your work and don’t compare with others.
  5. Follow the 80/20 rule.
  6. Stop confusing productivity with laziness
  7. Stop multitasking
  8. Take exercise break
  9. Get proper sleep

For second situation,

  1. Plan to-do List and set a point on each.
  2. Don’t compare with others resul.
  3. Reward Yourself.
  4. Don’t do multitasking.
  5. Ask question.
  6. Take some work exercise.
  7. Backup your each and every files and plans.
  8. Organize your workplace.
  9. Listen to your favorite music while working.
  10. Get Proper sleep.

How productivity makes us feel good

Productivity provides you with purpose
Having intention in your own life gives you reasons to get up daily, and once you reach a goal that your self-esteem rockets. Striving towards something gives you focus, energy and certainty; people who lack this direction are infrequently satisfied.

Productivity helps you grow

Successful men and women are always pushing and challenging themselves, developing their skills and notifying a more well rounded way of tasks and interactions. If you should be searching for a path that is always dancing, you are always growing — even in the event you fail to feel it at the moment.

Productivity Raises your mood.

Exercise floods your body with feel-good endorphins, to the degree that many view regular exercise works like a type of medication. Whether physical or psychological — assessing off your to-do list or going to the gym — the much more productive you are, the more motivated you have a tendency to feel. But of course, quality remainder ensures you maintain that balance healthy.

